Your submission* will be in support of your short, 5-minute Student presentation, if of course you choose to submit an abstract.
*Please note that it is not neccessary to submit anything in order to register for the School, i.e. you can participate without a submission.
All the participants who wish to attend the School in 2022 are now welcome to pre-register. Based on your expressed interest during pre-registration (and optional abstract submission), we will be selecting students/attendees for participation and you will be notified / invited to register (with payment*) some time later during spring of 2022.
*Registration rates available from the Registration page.
For the 8th PEF School, visit Compiègne, a historical commune in the Oise department in northern France.
Compiègne is home to the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), one of the top ranking engineering schools in France, founded as a Technology University in 1972 to provide an alternative to the traditional “grandes écoles” for students interested in technologies and applied science.
The aim of the course is to offer attendants (PhD students, early-stage researchers and industrial users of the technology) with an overview of knowledge and understanding of the basic principles involved in processing by pulsed electric fields and to provide practice in the use of these principles in the food and biotechnological industries. Basic concepts that are required to understand electroporation and generation of pulsed electric fields from an electrical point of view, main effects of the treatments on microbial, plant and animal cells, techniques and research procedures to investigate electroporation and the most recent applications of PEF in the food industry will be presented by experts in the field. Live lectures online will be complemented with live practical sessions online, and short presentations of activities conducted by participants. The course will offer the opportunity of promoting networking and communication between young scientists, experts and industrial partners interested in this attractive technology.
Important date | Applies to… |
December 6, 2021 | Abstract Submission Opens ***NOW OPEN!*** |
December 6, 2021 | Pre-Registration* Opens ***NOW OPEN!*** |
April 30, 2022 | Pre-Registration* and Abstract Submission Deadline (EXTENDED!) |
May 4, 2022 | Notification of Acceptance Deadline |
May 4, 2022 | Registration with Payment Opens |
May 19, 2022 | Registration Fee Payment Deadline |
* Registration via this site ( is only to collect interest in participating and does not guarantee acceptance. Accepted participants will be notified by April 10 and asked to register (with payment) again using a different web form.